Matchstick Puzzle screens

Waar lucifers niet allemaal goed voor zijn.

De één steekt graag anderen in brand, de ander lost liever vredige puzzels met lucifers op. Wellicht dat je je er weinig bij voor kunt stellen, maar Matchstick Puzzle by DS bevat meer dan 150 luciferpuzzels. Creatieve koppen dus, daar bij developer Ertain. De game zou eerst in oktober verschijnen, maar mogen we nu in februari verwachten voor een budgetprijs van 25 euro.

Matchstick Puzzle by DS updates lateral thinking, brain teasing conundrums for today. Using the stylus and their skills, the player adds and rotates matchstick to solve puzzle.

Matchstick Puzzle by DS boasts more than 150 different puzzles, of four difficulty levels and a time attack mode. The puzzles come in different genres, from solving a word problem, to numerical and shapes. Every puzzle includes a hint button which gives the player a little help to complete that challenge (for a small time penalty!).

Matchstick Puzzle by DS is the perfect game for those seeking a challenge or that enjoy dipping into a game every now and then.


* More than 150 challenge puzzles to solve
* 4 different difficulty levels
* 2 modes – Time Attack and Normal
* Use the stylus to move and rotate the matches on screen
* Puzzles ranging from mathematical and word based problems to Roman numeral and shapes
* Simple to use, but fiendish to complete